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Sunday Liturgical schedule

9.00 am Matins Service followed by Holy Liturgy

Week-day Liturgical schedule on Spiritual Holy-days
7.00 am  Akathist Hymn followed by Holy Liturgy

The Mystery of Holy Unction is administered during all four fasting periods throughout the year.


Tuesday 23 April 2024 - Parish Feast Day, Holy Services led by His Grace Bishop Mihail

†) Saint Great Martyr George, the Victory Bearer, the Protector of our Church

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Hierarchical Liturgy of Saint John and Ordination of Priest

The CONSECRATION of our Holy Church - Saturday & Sunday 2/3 September 2023

2nd: - 6pm Great Vespers Service with Litia and Artoklasia 

3rd: - 8:00 am Lesser Sanctification of the water and Matins

- 9:30 am The Service of the Church Consecration

- 10.30 am Holy Hierarchical Liturgy of Saint John, followed by Agape Feast

2024 - Current Services Schedule (month by month)


Sunday 1 September - † Beginning of the Spiritual New Year

   The 10th Sunday after Pentecost, The Healing the Possessed Youth

- 8:30 am Church opens then Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John and Thanksgiving Prayer

Sunday 8 September - (†) Nativity of the Mother of God

   Sunday before the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Jesus' Conversation with Nicodemus

- 8:30 am Church opens then Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John and Thanksgiving Prayer

Saturday 14 September - (†) Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Full-fast day)

- 8:30 am Church opens then Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 15 September -  Sunday after Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Taking up your Cross and follow Christ

- 8:30 am Church opens then Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John​​

Sunday 22 September - The 18th Sunday after Pentecost, The Miraculous Catch of Fish

- 8:30 am Church opens then Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 29 September - The 19th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sermon on the Mount - Love Your Enemies

- 8:30 am Church opens then Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John



Sunday, 4 August - The 6th Sunday after Pentecost, The Healing of the paralytic at Capernaum (fast)

- 8:30 am Church opens then Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Tuesday, 6 August – (†) Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord (Fish day)

- 7:00 am Church opens then Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Thursday, 8 August – The Dormition of the Mother of God half-fast (fast)

- 6:00 pm Paraklesis of the Mother of God

Sunday, 11 August – †) The 7th Sunday after Pentecost, The Healing of two blind men and a mute in Capernaum (fast)

- 8:30 am Church opens then Mystery of the Holy Unction followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Wednesday, 14 August – The Day before The Dormition of the Mother of God

- 6:00 pm Lamentations of the Dormition of the Mother of God;

Thursdays, 15 August – (†) The Dormition of the Mother of God

- 7:00 am Church opens then Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John and Thanksgiving prayer to God for our Church

Friday, 16 August - Holy Mahram of the Lord; †) St. Martyrs Brâncoveni Constantin Vodă with his 4 sons: Constantin, Ştefan, Radu, Matei and the counselor Ianache; †) St. Cuv. Iosif of Văratec

- 7:00 am Church opens then Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John and Thanksgiving prayer to God for our Church

Sunday, 18 August – The 8th Sunday after Pentecost, The Multiplication of bread. 

- 8:30 am Church opens then Matins followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday, 25 August – The 9th Sunday after Pentecost, The Walking on Water and Calming the Storm

- 8:30 am Church opens then Akathist Hymn and Matins followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Thursdays, 29 August – (†) The Beheading of St John the Baptizer (Full-fast day)

- 7:00 am Church opens then Akathist Hymn followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 7 July - †) The 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of Nation’ Saints, The call of the first Apostles

- 8:30 am Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John.

Sunday 14 July - The 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of about worries of life, The Jesus Prayer,  The Sunday of The Fathers of the 4th Ecumenical Synod

- 8:30 am Matins, Mystery of the Holy Unction, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Saturday 20 July – †) Saint Prophet Elijah 

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 21 July - The 4th Sunday after Pentecost, The Healing of the centurion's servant

- 8:30 am Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 28 July - The 5th Sunday after Pentecost, The Healing of the man possessed near Gadara

- 8:30 am Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 2 June – †) The 5th Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of Samaritan Women

- 8:30 am Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 9 June – The 6th Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of the Blind Man

- 8:30 am Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John. The day before the Lent of St. Peter and Paul

Thursday 13 June – (†) Holy Ascension of our Lord (The Heroes' day)

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 16 June – †) The 7th Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John.

Sunday 23 June – (†) The 8th Sunday after Easter, The Descent of the Holy Spirit, Holy Pentecost

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John, then

The Great Vespers of Pentecost and Memorial Service

The day before the beginning of the Lent of Saints Apostles Peter and Paul

Monday 24 June – (†) Holy Trinity, The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (Fast. fish day)

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Saturday 29 June – (†) Saints Apostles Peter and Paul

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 30 June – †) The 1st Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of all Saints, The Synod of the 12 Apostles

- 8:30 am Mystery of the Holy Unction, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Wednesday 1 May – Holy and Great Wednesday (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, Holy and Great Thursday


Thursday 2 May – Holy and Great Thursday (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, Reading of the 12 Holy Gospels


Friday 3 May – Holy and Great Friday (Full Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, Lamentations and Burial of the Lord

Saturday 4 May - Holy and Great Saturday (Fast day)

- 10:30 am Readings

- 11:00 pm Canon, Matins of Holy Resurrection


Sunday 5 May – (†) Sunday of the Holy Resurrection, Easter Sunday

- 12:00 am Mass of The Resurrection, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

                    Blessing of the Bread on Easter day and the food ~ 3am

- 1:00 pm Great Vespers


Monday 6 May - (†) Renewal Monday, 2nd day of Easter;

- 7:00 am Akathist, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Tuesday 7 May - (†) Renewal Tuesday, 3rd day of Easter,

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Friday 10 May - †) Mother of God of the Life-giving Spring (Fast free day)

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 12 May - †) The 2nd Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of Saint Apostle Thomas

- 8:30 am Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 19 May - The 3rd Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of Myrrh bearing Women

- 8:30 am Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Tuesday 21 May - †) Saints Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen, Equal-to-the-Apostles

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 26 May - The 4th Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of the Paralytic

- 8:30 am Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Saturday 6 April – Third Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 7 April - Third Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross (Fast day)

- 8:30 am Mystery of the Holy Unction, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint Basil


Saturday 13 April – Forth Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 14 April - †) Forth Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of Saint John Climacus (of the Ladder), Healing through Humble Repentance (Fast day)

- 8:30 am Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint Basil

Wednesday 17 April – Fifth Wednesday of Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance


Friday 19 April – Fifth Friday of Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, The Annunciation of the Mother of God Akathist

Saturday 20 April – Fifth Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- Commemoration of the departed

10 am to 2pm Waikato District Heritage Day - Church open for visitors

Sunday 21 April - Fifth Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of Saint Mary the Egyptian (Fast day)

- 8:30 am Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint Basil and Lithia Service

Tuesday 23 April 2024 - Parish Feast Day, Holy Services led by His Grace Bishop Mihail

†) Saint Great Martyr George, the Victory Bearer, the Protector of our Church

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Hierarchical Liturgy of Saint John and Ordination of Priest

Saturday 27 April – Sixth Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- Lazarus Saturday, Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 28 April – (†) Sixth Sunday in Great Lent: The Palm Sunday, The Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem (Fish day)

- 8:30 am Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John and Blessing of the Palm leaves

Monday 29 April – Holy and Great Monday (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Holy Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts of Saint Gregory, followed by Denie, of Holy and Great Tuesday


Tuesday 30 April – Holy and Great Tuesday (Fast day)

- 5:00 pm Denie, of Holy and Great Wednesday


Sunday 3 March - XXXIVth Sunday after Pentecost, of the Prodigal Son

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Saturday 9 March – Forty Martyrs of Sebaste

- Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 10 March - Sunday of the Fearful Judgement, Meatfare

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 17 March - Sunday of Forgiveness, Cheesefare, the final day of pre-Lent (White day)

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Monday 18 March – First Monday of Lent, Clean Monday Beginning of The Great Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance – part1


Tuesday 19 March – First Tuesday of Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance – part2


Wednesday 20 March – First Wednesday of Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance – part3


Thursday 21 March – First Thursday of Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance – part4

Saturday 23 March – First Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 24 March - First Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of Orthodoxy, The calling of Philip and Nathanael (Fast day)

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St Basil

Procession with the Holy Icons

Monday 25 March - (†) Annunciation of the Mother of God (Fish day)

- 7:00 am  Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Saturday 30 March – Second Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 31 March - Second Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas, The Paralytic and His Four Friends (Fast day)

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint Basil


Friday 2 February - (†)  The presentation of our Lord in the Temple

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 4 February - XVth Sunday after Pentecost, of the The Greatest Commandment

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 11 February - XVIth Sunday after Pentecost, of the Parable of the Talents

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 18 February - XVIIth Sunday after Pentecost, of the Sunday of the Canaanite Woman

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 25 February - XXXIIIrd Sunday after Pentecost, of the Publican and Pharisee

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John


Sunday 28 January - XIVth Sunday after Pentecost, The Parable of the Wedding Feast

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Tuesday 30 January - †) Three Holy Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

2023 - Current Services Schedule (month by month)


Note: There will be NO Holy Services in our Parish for the month of December 2023 and first part of January 2024


Sunday 5 November - The 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Parable of the Unmerciful Rich Man and poor Lazarus; S

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Wednesday 8 November - †) The Council of Saints Michael and Gabriel and of all heavenly powers

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Thursday 9 November -  †) St. Ier. Nectarius of Aegina; St. Mc. Claudiu, Castor, Sempronian and Nicostrat;

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 12 November - The 25th Sunday after Pentecost, The Parable of the Merciful Samaritan; †) St. Mar Nasaudeni

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Tuesday, 15 November  - The Fasting of the Nativity of our Lord beginning, †) St. Cuv. Paisie of Neamț;

Sunday 19 November - The 26th Sunday after Pentecost, The Parable of the Harvest of the rich man

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and The Mystery of the Holy Unction, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John, and then Memorial Service

Tuesday 21 November - The entry of the Holy Mother of God into the Church (Fish)

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 26 November - The 30th Sunday after Pentecost, The rich ruler - keeping the commandments (Fish)

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Thursday 30 November – †) St Ap. Andrew the first called, protector of Romania; St Andrew Saguna Mitr. of Transylvania (Fish)


Thursday 1 December -  The Romanian National Day (fasting day)


Sunday 1 October – (†) The Protecting Vail of the Mother of God, The 19th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sermon on the mount - love of enemies

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Wednesdays 4 October – The day before our celebration of Sf. Cuv. Misail and Daniil of Turnu, The protectors of our Parish 

- 6:00pm  Vespers and Lithia Service

Thursday 5 October – †) Sf. Cuv. Misail and Daniil of Turnu, The protectors of our Parish 

- 7:00am  Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 8 October – The 20th Sunday after Pentecost, Raising of the son of the widow of Nain

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John 

Saturday 14 October – (†) Saint Parascheva of Iasi

- 7:30 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 15 October – The 21st Sunday after Pentecost, The Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council, The Parable of the Sower, Jesus’ Prayer

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 22 October – The 23rd Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Healing of the Gerasene demon-possessed man

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Thursday 26 October –(†) Saint Great Martyr Demetrius the Myrrh-streamer of Thessaloniki

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Friday 27 October – (†) Saint Demetrius the New of Basarabov, Protector of Bucharest

- 7:00 am  Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 29 October – The 24th Sunday after Pentecost, Resurrection of Jairus' daughter

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Friday 1 September – † Beginning of the Spiritual New Year

Saturday 2 September – Preparation of the Holy Church for the Consecration

- 6:00 pm Great Vespers Service with Litia and Artoklasia

Sunday 3 September - The CONSECRATION of our Holy Church

 The 13th Sunday after Pentecost, The Parable of evil husbandmen) St. Neofit and Meletie of Stanisoara

- 8:00 am Lesser Sanctification of the water and Matins

- 9:30 am The Service of the Church Consecration

- 10.30 am Holy Hierarchical Liturgy of Saint John, followed by Agape Feast

Friday 8 September - (†) Nativity of the Mother of God (Fish)

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 10 September  - Sunday before the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Jesus' Conversation with Nicodemus

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Thursday 14 September - (†) Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Full fast)

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 17 September -  Sunday after Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Taking up your Cross and follow Christ

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Friday 22 September - †) Sf. Ier. Mc. Teodosie of Brazi, mitr. Moldovei

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 24 September - The 18th Sunday after Pentecost, The Miraculous Catch of Fish

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Thursday 28 September - † Sf. Cuv. Hariton Mărt

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday, 6 August – (†) Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord, The Sunday of The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord (Fish day)

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn, Mystery of the Holy Unction, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John and Thanksgiving Prayer


Sunday, 13 August – The 10th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Healing of the lunatic

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Monday, 14 August The Day before The Dormition of the Mother of God

- 5:00 pm Lamentations of the Dormition of the Mother of God; Paraklesis of Mother of God

Tuesday, 15 August – (†) The Dormition of the Mother of God

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John and Thanksgiving prayer to God for our Church

Wednesday, 16 August - Holy Mahram of the Lord; †) St. Martyrs of Brâncoveni Constantin Vodă with his 4 sons: Constantin, Ştefan, Radu, Matei and the counselor Ianache; †) St. Cuv. Iosif of Văratec

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John and Thanksgiving prayer to God for our Church

Sunday, 20 August – (†) The 11th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Parable of the Unmerciful Debtor

NO HOLY SERVICES IN OUR PARISH - The CONSECRATION of the Holy Church of Christchurch parish

Sunday 27 August - The 12th Sunday after Pentecost, The Parable of young rich man

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Tuesday, 29 August – (†) The Beheading of St John the Baptizer

NO HOLY SERVICES IN OUR PARISH - The Holy Services in Auckland parish at 9am


Sunday, 2 July - The 4th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Fathers of the 4th Ecumenical Synod, The Healing of the centurion's servant, The Prayer of Jesus

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday, 9 July - †) The 5th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Fathers of the 5th Ecumenical Synod, The Healing of the Man Possessed near Gadara

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday, 16 July - The 6th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Healing of the paralytic at Capernaum. Jesus's prayer.

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Thursday, 20 July - †) Saint Prophet Elijah

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday, 23 July – The 7th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Healing of two blind men and a mute in Capernaum

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday, 30 July – The 8th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of Multiplication of bread. The day before the starting of the Fasting of the Dormition of Mother of God

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 4 June – (†) The Descent of the Holy Spirit, Holy Pentecost

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John, then

The Great Vespers of Pentecost and Memorial Service


Monday 5 June – (†) Holy Trinity

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 11 June – The 1st Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of all Saints

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John. The day before the Lent of St. Peter and Paul

Sunday 18 June – The 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of Nation’ Saints, The call of the first Apostles (Fish)

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John.

Saturday 24 June – (†) Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (Fish)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John and Thanksgiving Prayer

Sunday, 25 June- The 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of about worries of life (Fish)

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn, Mystery of the Holy Unction, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Thursday 29 June – (†) Saints Apostles Peter and Paul

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 7 May - The 4th Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of the Paralytic

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 14 May - The 5th Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of Samaritan Women

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 21 May - The 6th Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of the Blind Man

†) Saints Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen, Equal-to-the-Apostles

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Thursday 25 May – (†) Holy Ascension of our Lord (The Heroes day)

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 28 May – The 7th Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council

- 8:30 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Saturday 1 April – Fifth Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 2 April - Fifth Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of Saint Mary the Egyptian (Fast day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint Basil

Saturday 8 April – Sixth Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- Lazarus Saturday, Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 9 April – (†) Sixth Sunday in Great Lent: The Palm Sunday, The Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem (Fish day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

- Blessing of the Palm leaves

Monday 10 April – Holy and Great Monday (Fast day)

- 9:00 am Holy Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts of Sant Gregory

- 6:00 pm Denie, of Holy and Great Tuesday


Tuesday 11 April – Holy and Great Tuesday (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, of Holy and Great Wednesday


Wednesday 12 April – Holy and Great Wednesday (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, Holy and Great Thursday


Thursday 13 April – Holy and Great Thursday (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, Reading of the 12 Holy Gospels


Friday 14 April – Holy and Great Friday (Full Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, Lamentations and Burial of the Lord

Saturday 15 April - Holy and Great Saturday (Fast day)

- 10:00 am Readings, Holy Confession

- 10:30 pm Readings, Canon, Matins of Holy Resurrection


Sunday 16 April – (†) Sunday of the Holy Resurrection, Easter Sunday

- 12:00 am Mass of The Resurrection, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

                    Blessing of the Bread on Easter day and the food -2:45am

- 1:00 pm Great Vespers


Monday 16 April - (†) Renewal Monday, 2nd day of Easter;

- 6:00 am Akathist, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Tuesday 17 April - (†) Renewal Tuesday, 3rd day of Easter,

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Friday 21 April- †) Mother of God of the Life-giving Spring (Fast free day)

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 23 April - The 2nd Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of Saint Apostle Thomas

†) Saint Great Martyr George, the Victory Bearer, the Protector of our Church, Parish Feast

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John and Lithia Service

Sunday 30 April - The 3rd Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of Myrrh bearing Women

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Wednesday 1 March – First Wednesday of Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance – part 3


Thursday 2 March – First Thursday of Lent (Fast day)

- 5:00 pm The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance – part 4

Saturday 4 March – First Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 5 March - First Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of Orthodoxy (Fast day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint Basil

- Procession with the Holy Icons

Saturday 11 March – Second Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 12 March - Second Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas, The Paralytic and His Four Friends (Fast day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint Basil

 Saturday 18 March – Third Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 19 March - Third Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross (Fast day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint Basil


Saturday 25 March - (†) Annunciation of the Mother of God (Fish day)

- 8:00 am  Akathist Hymn and The Mystery of Holy Unction, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John, and

                  Memorial Service, Commemoration of the departed


Sunday 26 March - Forth Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of Saint John Climacus (of the Ladder), Healing through Humble Repentance (Fast day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint Basil

Wednesday 29 March – Fifth Wednesday of Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance


Friday 31 March – Fifth Friday of Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, The Annunciation of the Mother of God Akathist


Thursday 2 February - (†)  The presentation of our Lord and Saviour in the Temple

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 5 February - XXXIIIrd Sunday after Pentecost, of the Publican and Pharisee

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 12 February - XXXIVth Sunday after Pentecost, of the Prodigal Son

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 19 February - Sunday of the Fearful Judgement, Meatfare

- NO Holy Services, The Holy Church will be open for prayers

Sunday 26 February - Forgiveness Sunday, Cheesefare, the final day of pre-Lent (White day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Monday 27 February – First Monday of Lent, Clean Monday Beginning of The Great Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance – part 1


Tuesday 28 February – First Tuesday of Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance – part 


Sunday 1 January - (†) Circumcision of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, †) St Basil the Great and his mother St Helen

Sunday before the Baptism of the Lord

- 00:00 am Thanksgiving Service for the mercy of God for the New Year

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St Basil

Thanksgiving Prayer of St Basil for the New Year

Friday 6 January - (†)  The Baptism of the Lord

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

The Great Blessing of Waters

Thanksgiving prayer on the Lord Baptism day

Saturday 7 January - † St John the Forerunner

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Thanksgiving prayer on St John's Day 


Sunday 8 January - Sunday after the Baptism of the Lord

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 15 January - XXIXth Sunday after Pentecost, of the ten lepers

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 22 January - XXXIInd Sunday after Pentecost, of Zacchaeus

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 29 January -  XVIIth Sunday after Pentecost, of the Canaanite women

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Monday 30 January - †) Three Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John


2022 - Services Schedule for whole year (month by month)

Saturday 1 January - (†) Circumcision of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, St Basil the Great and his mother St Helen

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St Basil

Thanksgiving Prayer of St Basil for the New Year


Sunday 2 January - Sunday before the Baptism of the Lord

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Thursday 6  January - (†)  The Baptism of the Lord

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

The Great Blessing of Waters

Thanksgiving prayer on the Lord Baptism day

Friday 7 January - † St John the Forerunner

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Thanksgiving prayer on St John's Day 


Sunday 9 January - Sunday after the Baptism of the Lord

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 16 January - Sunday of the ten lepers

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 23 January - Sunday of healing of the blind from Jericho

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 30 January - †) Three Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, Sunday

of Zaheu

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Wednesday 2 February - (†)  The presentation of our Lord and Saviour in the Temple

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 6 February - Sunday of the Canaanite women

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 13 February - Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 20 February - Sunday of the Prodigal Son

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Sunday 27 February - Sunday of the Fearful Judgement

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John


Sunday 6 March - Forgiveness (Cheesefare) Sunday, the final day of pre-Lent (White day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymns and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Monday 7 March – First Monday of Lent, Clean Monday Beginning of The Great Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance – part 1


Tuesday 8 March – First Tuesday of Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance – part 2


Wednesday 9 March – First Wednesday of Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance – part 3


Thursday 10 March – First Thursday of Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance – part 4


Saturday 12 March – First Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- 5:00 pm Memorial Service, Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 13 March - First Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of Orthodoxy (Fast day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint Basil

- Procession with the Holy Icons

Saturday 19 March – Second Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- 10:00 am Memorial Service, Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 20 March - Second Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas, The Paralytic and His Four Friends (Fast day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn, The Mystery of Holy Unction followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint Basil

Friday 25 March - (†) Annunciation of the Mother of God (Fish day)

- 6:00 am  Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Saturday 26 March – Third Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- 12:00 pm Memorial Service, Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 27 March - Third Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross (Fast day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint Basil


Saturday 2 April – Forth Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- 12:00 pm Memorial Service, Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 3 April - Forth Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of Saint John Climacus (of the Ladder), Healing through Humble Repentance (Fast day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint Basil


Wednesday 6 April – Fifth Wednesday of Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, the Canon of Repentance


Friday 8 April – Fifth Friday of Lent (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, The Annunciation of the Mother of God Akathist


Saturday 9 April – Fifth Saturday of Lent (Fast day)

- 5:00 pm Memorial Service, Commemoration of the departed

Sunday 10 April - Fifth Sunday in Great Lent: Sunday of Saint Mary the Egyptian (Fast day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint Basil


Saturday 16 April – Sixth Saturday of Lent, Lazarus Saturday (Fast day)

- 5:00 pm Memorial Service, Commemoration of the departed


Sunday 17 April – (†) Sixth Sunday in Great Lent: The Palm Sunday, The Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem (Fish day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

- Blessing of the Palm leaves

Monday 18 April – Holy and Great Monday (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, of Holy and Great Tuesday, followed by The Holy Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts


Tuesday 19 April – Holy and Great Tuesday (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, of Holy and Great Wednesday


Wednesday 20 April – Holy and Great Wednesday (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, Holy and Great Thursday


Thursday 21 April – Holy and Great Thursday (Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, Reading of the 12 Holy Gospels


Friday 22 April – Holy and Great Friday (Full Fast day)

- 6:00 pm Denie, Lamentations and Burial of the Lord

Saturday 23 April - Holy and Great Saturday (Fast day) ( Saint Great Martyr George the following Monday) (Fast day)

- 10:00 am Readings, Holy Confession

- 10:30 pm Readings, Canon, Matins of Holy Resurrection


Sunday 24 April – (†) Sunday of the Holy Resurrection, Easter Sunday

- 12:00 am Mass of The Resurrection, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

- Blessing of the Bread on Easter day and the food -2:45am

- 1:00 pm Great Vespers, Lithia Service


Monday 25 April - (†) Renewal Monday, 2nd day of Easter; †) Saint Great Martyr George, the Victory Bearer, the Protector of our Church (Parish Feast day)

- 8:00 am Akathist and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Tuesday 26 April - (†) Renewal Tuesday, 3rd day of Easter,

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Friday 29 April- †) Mother of God of the Life-giving Spring (Fast free day)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 1 May - The 2nd Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of Saint Apostle Thomas

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 8 May - †)  Saint Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian; The 3rd Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of Myrrh bearing Women

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 15 May - The 4th Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of the Paralytic

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Saturday 21 May - †) Saints Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen, Equal-to-the-Apostles (Fast)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 22 May - The 5th Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of Samaritan Women

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 29 May - The 6th Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of the Blind Man

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Thursday 2 June – (†) Holy Ascension of our Lord (The Heroes day)

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 5 June – The 7th Sunday after Easter, The Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 12 June – (†) The Descent of the Holy Spirit, Holy Pentecost

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John, then The Great Vespers of Pentecost and Memorial Service


Monday 13 June – (†) Holy Trinity

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 19 June – (†) The 1st Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of all Saints

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John. The day before the Lent of St. Peter and Paul

Friday 24 June – (†) Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (Fish)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday, 26 June- The 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of Nation’ Saints, The call of the first Apostles (Fish)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn, Mystery of the Holy Unction, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Wednesday 29 June – (†) Saints Apostles Peter and Paul

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday, 3 July - The 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of about worries of life

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday, 10 July - The 4th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Fathers of the 4th Ecumenical Synod, The Healing of the centurion's servant, The Prayer of Jesus

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday, 17 July - (†) The 5th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Fathers of the 5th Ecumenical Synod, The Healing of the Man Possessed near Gadara

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Wednesday, 20 July - (†) Saint Prophet Elijah

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday, 24 July – (†) The 6th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Healing of the paralytic at Capernaum. The starting of the Fasting of the Dormition of Mother of God

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday, 31 July – (†) The 7th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Healing of two blind men and a mute in Capernaum

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Saturday, 6 August – (†) Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday, 7 August – (†) The 8th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of Multiplication of bread

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn, Mystery of the Holy Unction, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday, 14 August – (†) The 9th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Fathers of the first six Ecumenical Synods, The Sunday of Walking on the sea and calming the storm

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

- 1:00 pm Lamentations of the Dormition of the Mother of God; Paraklesis of Mother of God


Monday, 15 August – (†) The Dormition of the Mother of God

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Tuesday, 16 August - Holy Mahram of the Lord; †) St. Martyrs of Brâncoveni Constantin Vodă with his 4 sons: Constantin, Ştefan, Radu, Matei and the counselor Ianache; †) St. Cuv. Iosif de la Văratec

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy

Sunday, 21 August – The 10th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Healing of the lunatic

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 28 August - The 11th Sunday after Pentecost, The Parable of the Unmerciful Debtor

- 8:00 Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Monday, 29 August – (†) The Beheading of St John the Baptiser

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Wednesday 1 September – Beginning of the Spiritual New Year

Sunday 4 September - The 12th Sunday after Pentecost, The Parable of young rich man

- 8:00 am Akathist and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Thursday 8 September – (†) Nativity of the Mother of God (Fish)

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 11 September  - Sunday before the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Jesus' Conversation with Nicodemus

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Wednesday 14 September – (†) Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Full fast)

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 18 September -  Sunday after Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Taking up your Cross and follow Christ

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 25 September - The 18th Sunday after Pentecost, The Miraculous Catch of Fish

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Saturday 1 October – (†) Protection of the Mother of God

- 8:00am  Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 2 October – The 19th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sermon on the mount - love of enemies

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 9 October – The 20th Sunday after Pentecost, Raising of the son of the widow of Nain

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Friday 14 October – (†) Saint Parascheva of Iasi

- 7:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 16 October – The 21st Sunday after Pentecost, The Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council, The Parable of the Sower, Jesus’ Prayer

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 23 October – The 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Healing of the Gerasene demon-possessed man

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Wednesday 26 October –(†) Saint Great Martyr Demetrius the Myrrh-streamer of Thessaloniki

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Thursday 27 October – (†) Saint Demetrius the New of Basarabov, Protector of Bucharest

- 6:00 am  Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John


Sunday 30 October – The 23rd Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of The Parable of the Unmerciful Rich Man and poor Lazarus

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 6 November - The 24th Sunday after Pentecost, Resurrection of Jairus' daughter, St. 33 of Mc. from Melitina; St. Cuv. Lazarus of Mount Galison

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Tuesday 8 November - †) The Council of Saints Michael and Gabriel and of all heavenly powers

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Wednesday 9 November -  †) St. Ier. Nectarius of Aegina; St. Mc. Claudiu, Castor, Sempronian and Nicostrat; St. Mc. Onisiphorus and Porphyria; St Matrona

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 13 November - The 25th Sunday after Pentecost, The Parable of the Merciful Samaritan; St. Ier. Grigorie Palama, archbishop of Thessalonic

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Tuesday, 15 November  - †) St. Cuv. Paisie of Neamț; St. Mc. and Martha. Gurie, Samona and Aviv (Starting the Nativity of our Lord Fasting)

Sunday 20 November - The 26th Sunday after Pentecost, The Parable of the Harvest of the rich man

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John then Memorial Service

Monday 21 November - The entry of the Holy Mother of God into the Church

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 27 November - The 30th Sunday after Pentecost, The rich ruler - keeping the commandments (Fish)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Wednesday 30 November – †) St Ap. Andrew the first called, protector of Romania; St Andrew Saguna Mitr. of Transylvania (Fish)

- 5:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John, then


Thursday 1 December -  Thanksgiving prayer for Romanian National Day (fasting day)

Sunday 4 December - †) The 27th Sunday after Pentecost, The Healing of the hunchbacked woman; St Sava the Greatest (Fish)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Mystery of the Holy Unction, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Tuesday 6 December – †) St Nicholas of Myra, the Wonderworker (Fish)

- 6:00 am Akathist Hymn, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 11 December - †) The 28th Sunday after Pentecost, The Holy Fathers, The Parable of the Great Banquet; St Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker, Bishop of Tremithus (Fish)

- 7:30 am Akathist Hymn, Mystery of The Holy Unction, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Sunday 18 December - Sunday before the Nativity of the Lord, St Ignatius, The Ancestors of Our Saviour (Fish)

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of Saint John

Saturday 24 December - Nativity of the Lord Eve (Late Fasting)

- 6:30 pm Vespers and Akathist Hymn, followed by Carols and Christmas Tree decoration

Sunday 25 December 25 - (†) The Nativity of the Lord, Christmas Day

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Thanksgiving prayer on Christmas Day

- 6:30 pm  Vespers and Lity - the 2nd Parish Feast

Monday 26 December - †) The 2nd day of the Nativity of the Lord, St Nicodemus, Sunday after the Nativity of the Lord, Mother Of God, St Prophet David

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Thanksgiving prayer on Parish Feast Day

Tuesday 27 December - †) The 3rd day of the Nativity of the Lord, St Stephen

- 8:00 am Akathist Hymn and Matins, followed by Holy Liturgy of St John

Saturday 31 December - New Year Eve

- 11:30 pm Thanksgiving Service for the mercy of God for the New Year

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